AREA Chicago

AREA Chicago Art/Research/Education/Activism, was a collective that supported the work of people and organizations and actively gathered, produced, and shared knowledge about local culture and the world in general. We created relationships and sustained community through art, research, education, and activism.

AREA Chicago was also a publication dedicated to researching, supporting and networking local social, political and cultural movements, which included projects such as making maps (“The People’s Atlas of Chicago”) and holding events (“The Infrastructure Lecture Series”) and sent out newsletters (‘Another Chicago Newsletter”).

As a core member of AREA, I was an editor, a copy editor, a content creator, and helped oversee the process of several of our newspaper publications from beginning to end. I also assisted with the planning and organization of several of our community events and projects, such as, Notes for A People’s Atlas and 1886 || 2011, AREA’s project marking the 125th anniversary of the Haymarket Affair.

You can find out more about AREA as a learning community, an organizational experiment, and facilitator of connections between existing projects and communities at Half Letter Press.

You can also look through our archive here.

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